Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Land of Cowboys and Big Hair

Welcome to Texas, where the air is cool and the sun is shining. Perfect weather actually, something I will miss in WA. However my time here has proven to be rather amazing, we started the trip with a visit to the Sixth Floor museum. For those who don't know this museum is the building where Oswald shot from and assassinated President Kennedy, it was emotional simply to be there. I stood a few feet from where Oswald took the shot and tried not to cry. History is powerful. Outside, looking up into the window was a chilling experience for me. A friend of mine joked as we walked away that we were on Elm street, and that Freddy Krueger would come out and attack. I simply looked at her and told her I wasn't afraid, and that in fact the sixth floor scared me more. She asked why, so I responded, "because the shooting was real, it really happened, and Freddy Krueger isn't." Sometimes I forget that moments in history happened, that there were bad people, who did bad things. The longer I've thought about it, the more I want to spread the Good News. This time has been as sobering as the Oklahoma memorial for me, but it was something I needed. I can only hope the rest of my trip will be as beneficial to me.

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