Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Recruitment Interview

     When I got this assignment I knew that the answers would not be much different from what I expected. PB Kids has not had very long of an existence, but it is beginning to grow. Recruitment is becoming more and more of a necessity for this small group as time goes by. Both because our numbers are increasing and to reduce the chance of burnout in the current teachers we have. So I took some time to ask Allison some questions about her efforts.
     Allison started the children’s ministry at Pleasant Bay all by herself, since then she has made every effort to recruit those willing to help. However, she does not want just a warm body, she has been searching for someone with a heart/passion for children’s ministry. This is of course an obvious answer, but what she said next surprised me. She also wants a multigenerational diversity in her volunteers. Not the first thing I think of, but an amazing idea to have different generations involved, it brings a broader scope of ideas to the table.
     I wanted to know a bit about the church’s recruiting process, so I pressed a bit on the subject about incentive and how long the process took. She mentioned that the recruiting process is ongoing, the first step being that of building relationships with those you hope to recruit. You need to build relationships on Sundays and continue this process for a few weeks, intentionally getting to know a person and building relationship with them will increase the likelihood that they want to serve.
     Now lastly I wanted to do a little digging on expectations for our ministry. Ultimately Allison would like to have a core group of teachers serving two weeks on, two weeks off. Since we only have one service at Pleasant Bay this gives them an equal opportunity to be in service and serving. She also wants the volunteers/assistant teachers to serve once a month if possible. As for commitment time she has never had a set time frame but wants a member who has started a season/quarter to finish that season and then re-evaluate his/her position. If serving was only taking place once every 2 months or so, commitment may vary.
     For PB Kids things are just taking off, developing if you will. So for the church’s sake good recruiting tactics are imperative right now. It looks as though things are going well, as names are being put down and connections are being made. Things will continue to go well I feel with these strategies.
Recruitment Questions

How long have you been trying to recruit?

Who are you trying to recruit?

What do you use as an incentive to recruit (if any)?

What qualifications do you require for your recruits?

How long does the recruitment process take?

How often do you expect this recruits to serve?

Minimal serving time frame/contract?

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